Descriere generala
- Colierele de nailon Elvon, cunoscute si sub numele de cravata zip, sunt elemente de prindere, specifice pentru legarea impreuna a mai multor cabluri electrice sau de telecomunicatii.
- Principiul de functionare este simplu si eficient, datorat mecanismului cu clichet. Odata ce varful ascutit al colierului este introdus in deschizatura mecanismului de strangere, dupa actionarea prin tragere, colierul indeplineste functia necesara fixarii manunchiului de cabluri.
- Elvon nylon ties are available in a wide range, depending on the applications and the field of use.
- Elvon ties are made of the best materials, resistant to high mechanical stresses and the action of ultraviolet rays.
Instructiuni de montaj
Instructiuni de montaj
- Pentru obtinerea celor mai bune rezultate, se recomanda utilizarea sculelor special destinate strangerii colierelor; de asemenea, se pot strange manual.
- Colierele clasice sunt usor de utilizat, montajul lor fiind liber sau asigurat de suporti speciali de fixare pe diverse suprafete prin sustinere cu banda autoadeziva sau, in functie de utilizare, prin suporti cu prindere prin elemente de fixare (suruburi autoforante, cuie, etc).
- Colierele cu deschidere sunt reutilizabile dupa strangere, excelent destinate situatiilor in care se intervine in mod regulat asupra elementelor fixate.
- Acestea sunt extrem de usor de utilizat, permitand deschiderea prin simpla apasare a butonului de eliberare al colierului. Dupa interventie, colierul se poate strange fara a suferi deteriorari.
- Colierele tip diblu sunt recomandate situatiilor in care se doreste organizarea cablurilor intr-un tablou. Utilizarea acestora se face prin introducerea capului diblu al colierului in gaurile efectuate direct in contrapanou.
- Colierele cu sistem propriu de fixare asigura montaje simple, fara a mai fi necesare alte elemente complexe de sustinere.

2,5 mm | |||
Elvon code | color | mechanical resistence | sizes (mm) |
50101 | transparent | 8kg | 60 × 2,5 × 11 |
50103 | transparent | 8kg | 100 × 2,5 × 22 |
50104 | transparent | 8kg | 150 × 2,5 × 35 |
50051 | black | 8kg | 60 × 2,5 × 11 |
50052 | black | 8kg | 80 × 2,5 × 16 |
50053 | black | 8kg | 100 × 2,5 × 22 |
50054 | black | 18kg | 150 × 2,5 × 35 |
50056 | black | 22kg | 200 × 2,5 × 11 |
3,5 mm | |||
Elvon code | color | mechanical resistence | sizes (mm) |
50105 | transparent | 18kg | 150 × 3,5 × 35 |
50107 | transparent | 18kg | 200 × 3,5 × 50 |
50109 | transparent | 18kg | 250 × 3,5 × 65 |
50111 | transparent | 18kg | 300 × 3,5 × 80 |
50116 | transparent | 18kg | 370 × 3,5 × 102 |
50055 | black | 18kg | 150 × 3,5 × 35 |
50057 | black | 22kg | 200 × 3,5 × 50 |
50059 | black | 18kg | 300 × 3,5 × 80 |
50061 | black | 18kg | 300 × 3,5 × 80 |
50066 | black | 18kg | 370 × 3,5 × 102 |
50067 | black | 18kg | 400 × 3,5 × 105 |
4,5 mm | |||
Elvon code | color | mechanical resistence | sizes (mm) |
50108 | transparent | 22kg | 200 × 4,5 × 50 |
50110 | transparent | 22kg | 250 × 4,5 × 65 |
50112 | transparent | 22kg | 300 × 4,5 × 80 |
50114 | transparent | 22kg | 350 × 4,5 × 90 |
50118 | transparent | 22kg | 400 × 4,5 × 105 |
50123 | transparent | 22kg | 500 × 4,5 × 150 |
50058 | black | 22kg | 200 × 4,5 × 50 |
50060 | black | 22kg | 250 × 4,5 × 65 |
50062 | black | 22kg | 300 × 4,5 × 80 |
50064 | black | 22kg | 350 × 4,5 × 90 |
50068 | black | 22kg | 400 × 4,5 × 105 |
50070 | black | 22kg | 450 × 4,5 × 125 |
50073 | black | 22kg | 500 × 4,5 × 150 |
6,8 mm | |||
Elvon code | color | mechanical resistence | sizes (mm) |
50113 | transparent | 38kg | 300 × 6,8 × 80 |
50115 | transparent | 38kg | 350 × 6,8 × 90 |
50119 | transparent | 38kg | 400 × 6,8 × 105 |
50124 | transparent | 38kg | 500 × 6,8 × 150 |
50063 | black | 38kg | 300 × 6,8 × 80 |
50065 | black | 38kg | 350 × 6,8 × 90 |
50069 | black | 38kg | 400 × 6,8 × 105 |
50071 | black | 38kg | 450 × 6,8 × 125 |
50074 | black | 38kg | 500 × 6,8 × 135 |
9 mm | |||
Elvon code | color | mechanical resistence | sizes (mm) |
50125 | transparent | 80kg | 550 × 9 × 160 |
50126 | transparent | 80kg | 650 × 9 × 190 |
50128 | transparent | 80kg | 760 × 9 × 225 |
50130 | transparent | 80kg | 760 × 9 × 225 |
50132 | transparent | 80kg | 1020 × 9 × 295 |
50072 | black | 80kg | 450 × 9 × 150 |
50075 | black | 80kg | 550 × 9 × 160 |
50076 | black | 80kg | 650 × 9 × 190 |
50077 | black | 80kg | 700 × 9 × 200 |
50078 | black | 80kg | 760 × 9 × 225 |
50079 | black | 80kg | 920 × 9 × 260 |
50080 | black | 80kg | 1020 × 9 × 295 |
50081 | black | 80kg | 1150 × 9 × 295 |
50082 | black | 80kg | 1210 × 9 × 340 |
50083 | black | 80kg | 1350 × 9 × 360 |

2,5 - 8mm | |||
Elvon code | color | mechanical resistence | sizes (mm) |
50140 | transparent | 8kg | 100 × 2,5 |
50141 | transparent | 18kg | 150 × 3,5 |
50142 | transparent | 22kg | 200 × 7,5 |
50143 | transparent | 22kg | 250 × 7,5 |
50144 | transparent | 22kg | 300 × 7,5 |
50145 | transparent | 22kg | 450 × 8 |

8 - 22mm | |||
Elvon code | color | mechanical resistence | sizes (mm) |
50150 | white | 8kg | 100 × 2,5 |
50151 | white | 13,6kg | 150 × 3,5 |
50152 | white | 18kg | 200 × 7,5 |
50153 | transparent | 22kg | 250 × 7,5 |
50154 | white | 22kg | 165 × 7,5 |
50155 | white | 22kg | 180 × 7,5 |

2,5 - 4,8mm | |||
Elvon code | color | mechanical resistence | sizes (mm) |
50160 | white | 8kg | 100 × 2,5 |
50161 | white | 13,6kg | 120 × 3,2 |
50162 | white | 22kg | 120 × 4,8 |
50163 | transparent | 22kg | 160 × 4,8 |
50164 | white | 22kg | 190 × 4,8 |

Elvon code | color | tie width support (mm) | screw hole diameter (mm) | sizes (mm) |
50170 | white | 5 | 2,9 | 20 × 6,1 |
50171 | white | 6,2 | 3,5 | 25 × 7,5 |
50172 | white | 6,4 | 4,5 | 30 × 8,7 |
50173 | white | 10,8 | - | 40 × 6,4 |
50174 | white | 4,4 | - | 19 × 4,6 |
50175 | white | 5,4 | - | 28 × 6,4 |